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23 May 10, 21:45
Artist: Intestine Baalism
Album: Banquet In The Darkness
Year: 2003
Style: Avantgarde Death Metal
Country: Japan
Album: Banquet In The Darkness
Year: 2003
Style: Avantgarde Death Metal
Country: Japan
01. Flesh For The Twelfth Omnipotent
02. Banquet In The Darkness
03. A Curse Of Baal
04. The Genuine Tone
05. Principle Of Causality
06. Memory
07. A Keen
08. The Avenger Full Of Vengeance On God
09. A Knight Appears From The Lake Of Blood
10. The Planet
11. Bone But Buried, I Can See The Light
02. Banquet In The Darkness
03. A Curse Of Baal
04. The Genuine Tone
05. Principle Of Causality
06. Memory
07. A Keen
08. The Avenger Full Of Vengeance On God
09. A Knight Appears From The Lake Of Blood
10. The Planet
11. Bone But Buried, I Can See The Light
Views: 3594
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13 May 10, 16:26
Artist: Domination Through Impurity
Album: Masochist
Year: 2010
Style: Technical Death Metal
Country: USA
Album: Masochist
Year: 2010
Style: Technical Death Metal
Country: USA
1. Interminable Descent 4:39
2. Masochist 4:07
3. Path To Righteousness 6:29
4. The Dead Within 4:01
5. Recoming One 3:47
6. The Cruel Hand Of Fate (Instrumental) 2:43
7. Less Than Human 3:51
8. Bleeding The Damned 4:13
9. Patron Saint Of Hate 5:52
2. Masochist 4:07
3. Path To Righteousness 6:29
4. The Dead Within 4:01
5. Recoming One 3:47
6. The Cruel Hand Of Fate (Instrumental) 2:43
7. Less Than Human 3:51
8. Bleeding The Damned 4:13
9. Patron Saint Of Hate 5:52
Views: 3409
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4 May 10, 00:20
Artist: Syn:drom
Album: With Flesh Unbound
Year: 2010
Style: Technical Death Metal
Country: Sweden
Album: With Flesh Unbound
Year: 2010
Style: Technical Death Metal
Country: Sweden
1. Intro (Devoured) 01:27
2. Scorned Messiah 03:01
3. The Marked One 03:15
4. Obsolete Gods 03:14
5. In Utter Contempt 03:34
6. Trapped Beyond 04:10
7. A New World Order 03:37
8. Smashing The Face Of Belief 03:28
9. Hands Of Vengeance 03:31
10. Winds Of Disease 05:14
2. Scorned Messiah 03:01
3. The Marked One 03:15
4. Obsolete Gods 03:14
5. In Utter Contempt 03:34
6. Trapped Beyond 04:10
7. A New World Order 03:37
8. Smashing The Face Of Belief 03:28
9. Hands Of Vengeance 03:31
10. Winds Of Disease 05:14
Views: 3616
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2 May 10, 19:36
Artist: Князь Тьмы
Album: С Вечностью Один На Один
Year: 2010
Style: Symphonic/Melodic Doom/Death Metal
Country: Россия
Album: С Вечностью Один На Один
Year: 2010
Style: Symphonic/Melodic Doom/Death Metal
Country: Россия
01 - Интро
02 - Октагон
03 - Хаос
04 - Открой шире
05 - Два шага
06 - Svarta Vigseln
07 - Бег оборотня
08 - Слезы
09 - Вулкан
10 - Закат Европы
11 - Бесконечное Зло
02 - Октагон
03 - Хаос
04 - Открой шире
05 - Два шага
06 - Svarta Vigseln
07 - Бег оборотня
08 - Слезы
09 - Вулкан
10 - Закат Европы
11 - Бесконечное Зло
Views: 3274
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23 April 10, 18:47
Artist: When My Soul Dies
Album: EP
Year: 2010
Style: Modern Metal | Death Metal
Country: Россия
Album: EP
Year: 2010
Style: Modern Metal | Death Metal
Country: Россия
1. Снова Гаснет Свет
2. День До Апокалипсиса
3. Маниакальный Синдром
4. Паранойя
2. День До Апокалипсиса
3. Маниакальный Синдром
4. Паранойя
Views: 3380
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15 April 10, 18:58
Artist: Fall of Empyrean
Album: A Life Spent Dying
Year: 2010
Style: Doom / Death Metal
Country: USA
Album: A Life Spent Dying
Year: 2010
Style: Doom / Death Metal
Country: USA
01. Bereft 02:17
02. Breathe Deep the Cinders 05:46
03. Vast But Desolate 07:54
04. Anhedonia 04:18
05. The Air is Still 04:06
06. A Long Silence 06:17
07. Lifeless in My Arms 04:24
08. Veins Split Wide 07:39
09. Catharsis 04:12
Fall Of Empyrean – внеочередная команда, играющая doom-metal (и без всяких там приставок типа "gothic"). Ничего нового ждать в данном стиле не приходится, да, думаю, и ни к чему это, так как те, чей слух группы данного направления всё ещё ласкают, не отказались бы от ещё одного достаточно неплохого, пусть и стандартного, альбома в своей коллекции. На данном релизе представлен первый полноформатный альбом коллектива с bonus'ом в виде их же demo. Как полагается, есть здесь и незамысловатое intro, и восьмиминутные номера, порядком сдобренные качественным гроулом и лишь изредка, будто нехотя, приправленные вкраплениями чистого "голоса" (что ж мы позёры какие?!). Тексты у мужчин не совсем думовые в том плане, что в них прослеживается концепция, и порой они содержат рифму, а думеры, как известно, за такими мелочами гоняться не должны. Скрипок да виолончелей одних лишь нет! Ну и не надо – не лякримоза всё же. В остальном продукт стандартам соответствует, к эксплуатации годен и, пожалуй, рекомендован.
02. Breathe Deep the Cinders 05:46
03. Vast But Desolate 07:54
04. Anhedonia 04:18
05. The Air is Still 04:06
06. A Long Silence 06:17
07. Lifeless in My Arms 04:24
08. Veins Split Wide 07:39
09. Catharsis 04:12
Fall Of Empyrean – внеочередная команда, играющая doom-metal (и без всяких там приставок типа "gothic"). Ничего нового ждать в данном стиле не приходится, да, думаю, и ни к чему это, так как те, чей слух группы данного направления всё ещё ласкают, не отказались бы от ещё одного достаточно неплохого, пусть и стандартного, альбома в своей коллекции. На данном релизе представлен первый полноформатный альбом коллектива с bonus'ом в виде их же demo. Как полагается, есть здесь и незамысловатое intro, и восьмиминутные номера, порядком сдобренные качественным гроулом и лишь изредка, будто нехотя, приправленные вкраплениями чистого "голоса" (что ж мы позёры какие?!). Тексты у мужчин не совсем думовые в том плане, что в них прослеживается концепция, и порой они содержат рифму, а думеры, как известно, за такими мелочами гоняться не должны. Скрипок да виолончелей одних лишь нет! Ну и не надо – не лякримоза всё же. В остальном продукт стандартам соответствует, к эксплуатации годен и, пожалуй, рекомендован.
Views: 3563
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9 April 10, 16:44
Artist: Hateful
Album: Coils Of A Consumed Paradise
Year: 2010
Style: Brutal Technical Death Metal
Country: Italy
Album: Coils Of A Consumed Paradise
Year: 2010
Style: Brutal Technical Death Metal
Country: Italy
01. Painting The Abyss 1.32
02. Annihilate The Flesh 2.02
03. Every Impulse Eradicated 1.56
04. Chiseled In Our Flesh 2.38
05. Built On Nothingness 1.35
06. The Dawn Of Clarity 2.39
07. Zenith Of Despair 1.44
08. Last Days Of Heaven 2.40
09. Piercing Through Shadows (Inception) 3.10
10. Crimson Legacy 2.11
11. Piercing Through Shadows (The Descent) 2.11
12. Ocular Devourment 2.26
13. Piercing Through Shadows (Mortal Embrace) 2.20
02. Annihilate The Flesh 2.02
03. Every Impulse Eradicated 1.56
04. Chiseled In Our Flesh 2.38
05. Built On Nothingness 1.35
06. The Dawn Of Clarity 2.39
07. Zenith Of Despair 1.44
08. Last Days Of Heaven 2.40
09. Piercing Through Shadows (Inception) 3.10
10. Crimson Legacy 2.11
11. Piercing Through Shadows (The Descent) 2.11
12. Ocular Devourment 2.26
13. Piercing Through Shadows (Mortal Embrace) 2.20
Views: 3651
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7 April 10, 10:22
Artist: Wulfgar
Album: Midgardian Metal
Year: 2010
Style: Melodic Death Metal
Country: Sweden
01. Intro
02. Die For My Clan
03. Circle of Runes
04. Fight, Win, Kill & Conquer
05. Midgardian Metal
06. Nifelheim
07. Norsemen of Steel
08. The Death of Yggdrasil
09. The Three Norns
10. Valkyria
Album: Midgardian Metal
Year: 2010
Style: Melodic Death Metal
Country: Sweden
01. Intro
02. Die For My Clan
03. Circle of Runes
04. Fight, Win, Kill & Conquer
05. Midgardian Metal
06. Nifelheim
07. Norsemen of Steel
08. The Death of Yggdrasil
09. The Three Norns
10. Valkyria
Views: 3262
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6 April 10, 23:32
Artist: The Monolith Deathcult
Album: The White Crematorium 2.0
Year: 2010
Style: Atmospheric Industrial Death Metal
Country: Netherlands
1. Army of the Despised 5:20
2. 7 Months of Suffering 5:36
3. Concrete Sarcophagus 3:24
4. 1567 - Under the Blood Campaign 4:08
5. The Haunted Ravines of Babi Yar 3:00
6. Origin 2:56
7. The Cruel Hunters 6:06
8. 1917 - Spring Offensive (Dulce et Decorum est) 4:00
9. The White Crematorium 9:18
10. Kindertodestanz (bonus track) 4:57
Album: The White Crematorium 2.0
Year: 2010
Style: Atmospheric Industrial Death Metal
Country: Netherlands
1. Army of the Despised 5:20
2. 7 Months of Suffering 5:36
3. Concrete Sarcophagus 3:24
4. 1567 - Under the Blood Campaign 4:08
5. The Haunted Ravines of Babi Yar 3:00
6. Origin 2:56
7. The Cruel Hunters 6:06
8. 1917 - Spring Offensive (Dulce et Decorum est) 4:00
9. The White Crematorium 9:18
10. Kindertodestanz (bonus track) 4:57
Views: 3806
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3 April 10, 03:50
Artist: Рогатые Трупоеды
Album: Circvs Ov Sins: Enter The Vices
Year: 2009
Style: Death Metal
Country: Россия
Album: Circvs Ov Sins: Enter The Vices
Year: 2009
Style: Death Metal
Country: Россия
1. Welcome to the Show (intro)
2. SnakeLust (похоть)
3. Сахарная смерть (обжорство)
4. Лень и пламя (леность)
5. Твой маленький сейф... (алчность)
6. Die, Die, Bitch! (зависть)
7. Death by the Thread (гордыня)
8. Jungle Revenge (гнев)
9. Grand Finale (outro)
2. SnakeLust (похоть)
3. Сахарная смерть (обжорство)
4. Лень и пламя (леность)
5. Твой маленький сейф... (алчность)
6. Die, Die, Bitch! (зависть)
7. Death by the Thread (гордыня)
8. Jungle Revenge (гнев)
9. Grand Finale (outro)
Views: 4253
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2 April 10, 21:53
Artist: Nox Aurea
Album: Via Gnosis
Year: 2009
Style: Gothic Doom/Death Metal
Country: Sweden (Gothenburg, Vastra Gotalands lan)
01. Opus Draconus.[01:56]
02. the Funeral of All.[10:18]
03. Suffer.[07:50]
04. Odium Divinum.[11:12]
05. Nights in Solitude.[02:19]
06. Distant Stars.[10:07]
07. Last Amongst Earth and Sky.[09:01]
08. Mother Alethia.[12:32]
09. Via Gnosis.[06:27]
Album: Via Gnosis
Year: 2009
Style: Gothic Doom/Death Metal
Country: Sweden (Gothenburg, Vastra Gotalands lan)
01. Opus Draconus.[01:56]
02. the Funeral of All.[10:18]
03. Suffer.[07:50]
04. Odium Divinum.[11:12]
05. Nights in Solitude.[02:19]
06. Distant Stars.[10:07]
07. Last Amongst Earth and Sky.[09:01]
08. Mother Alethia.[12:32]
09. Via Gnosis.[06:27]
Views: 5166
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31 March 10, 22:41
Artist: Раскат
Album: Огни Другой Реальности
Year: 2010
Style: Death Metal / Thrash Metal
Country: Россия
Album: Огни Другой Реальности
Year: 2010
Style: Death Metal / Thrash Metal
Country: Россия
01. Intro
02. Master Of The Dead
03. Современный Инквизитор
04. Path To Eternity
05. Imitating Of Life
06. Правды Свет
07. Six Feet Under After Dawn
08. Но В Душе Твоей Мрак
09. Рву Вены
10. Умереть Одному
02. Master Of The Dead
03. Современный Инквизитор
04. Path To Eternity
05. Imitating Of Life
06. Правды Свет
07. Six Feet Under After Dawn
08. Но В Душе Твоей Мрак
09. Рву Вены
10. Умереть Одному
Views: 4044
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31 March 10, 17:05
Album: Children Of The Dark Waters (Ltd.Edt.)
Year: 2009
Style: Melodic Black/Death Metal
Country: Finland
Album: Children Of The Dark Waters (Ltd.Edt.)
Year: 2009
Style: Melodic Black/Death Metal
Country: Finland
01. Angelheart, Ravenheart (Act II: Children Of The Dark Waters)
02. Baptized By The Blood Of Angels
03. Tears Of Autumn Rain
04. Summon The Wild
05. Sea Of Whispers
06. Midnight Bird
07. Diary Of Demonic Dreams
08. When The Darkest Night Falls
09. Nocturne Thule
10. Sea Of Whispers (Acoustic Reprise) [European Digipack bonus]
11. Vilda Mánnu [Japanese bonus]
12. Sea Of Whispers (Karaoke Version) [Japanese bonus]
02. Baptized By The Blood Of Angels
03. Tears Of Autumn Rain
04. Summon The Wild
05. Sea Of Whispers
06. Midnight Bird
07. Diary Of Demonic Dreams
08. When The Darkest Night Falls
09. Nocturne Thule
10. Sea Of Whispers (Acoustic Reprise) [European Digipack bonus]
11. Vilda Mánnu [Japanese bonus]
12. Sea Of Whispers (Karaoke Version) [Japanese bonus]
Views: 4164
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31 March 10, 09:07
Artist: The Decapitated Midgets
Album: 30 Ways To Die
Year: 2009
Style: Death Metal
Country: Finland
Album: 30 Ways To Die
Year: 2009
Style: Death Metal
Country: Finland
01. Maggots Devouring Your Innards
02. Compressive Asphyxia
03. Lethal Liver Failure
04. Splattered in a Car Crash
05. Pathologist Slices Your Festering Corpse During Your Very Own Autopsy
06. Explosive Menstruation
07. Boiled Alive in Your Own Piss
08. Brainburger with Slashed Fingers
09. Kidney Tumour, Bloody Piss and Death
10. Kidnapped, Killed, Gutted and Cooked
11. Executed In The Electric Chair... The Smell Of Flesh
12. Fermented Bile Cocktail
13. Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
14. Unexpected Brain Haemorrhage
15. Seven Days
16. Slowly Sliced with a Dull Blade
17. Dramatic Decapitation and Gore Shower
18. Malignant Neoplasm
19. Forced Giblet Gurgling
20. Bloody Rectum/Bloody Diorrhea
21. Human Haggis
22. Human Head on a Cannibal's Plate
23. Cannibalized in a Big City
24. Gore-Tex Killer
25. Guts in Tea
26. Mutilated in the Toilet
27. Hang Himself with His Own Veins
28. Blowing Implants
29. Eaten Alive by the Rats in the Sewers
30. Fallen from the 34th Floor, Splattered to the Ground
02. Compressive Asphyxia
03. Lethal Liver Failure
04. Splattered in a Car Crash
05. Pathologist Slices Your Festering Corpse During Your Very Own Autopsy
06. Explosive Menstruation
07. Boiled Alive in Your Own Piss
08. Brainburger with Slashed Fingers
09. Kidney Tumour, Bloody Piss and Death
10. Kidnapped, Killed, Gutted and Cooked
11. Executed In The Electric Chair... The Smell Of Flesh
12. Fermented Bile Cocktail
13. Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
14. Unexpected Brain Haemorrhage
15. Seven Days
16. Slowly Sliced with a Dull Blade
17. Dramatic Decapitation and Gore Shower
18. Malignant Neoplasm
19. Forced Giblet Gurgling
20. Bloody Rectum/Bloody Diorrhea
21. Human Haggis
22. Human Head on a Cannibal's Plate
23. Cannibalized in a Big City
24. Gore-Tex Killer
25. Guts in Tea
26. Mutilated in the Toilet
27. Hang Himself with His Own Veins
28. Blowing Implants
29. Eaten Alive by the Rats in the Sewers
30. Fallen from the 34th Floor, Splattered to the Ground
Views: 3165
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26 March 10, 02:41
Artist: Swallow The Sun
Album: New Moon
Year: 2009
Style: Doom/Death Metal
Country: Финляндия
Album: New Moon
Year: 2009
Style: Doom/Death Metal
Country: Финляндия
1. These Woods Breathe Evil 6:43
2. Falling World 5:08
3. Sleepless Swans 7:22
4. ...And Heavens Cried Blood 6:17
5. Lights On The Lake (Horror Pt. III) 7:44
6. New Moon 4:59
7. Servant Of Sorrow 6:24
8. Weight Of The Dead 9:03
Лирика к альбому
Mikko Kotamהki - Vocals (2001-) (Alghazanth, Empyrean Bane, Enter My Silence, Funeris Nocturnum, Verivala, Barren Earth)
Juha Raivio - Guitars (2000-) (Clayforge, Plutonium Orange, Trees of Eternity)
Markus Jдmsen - Guitars (2001-) (Clayforge, Murder in Art, Rautakello)
Matti Honkonen - Bass (2001-) (Atakhama, Funeris Nocturnum, Obscurant, Gold Dust)
Aleksi Munter - Keyboards (2001-) (Empyrean Bane, Funeris Nocturnum, Trollheim's Grott, Random, session for Ghost Brigade)
Kai Hahto - Drums (2009-) (Wintersun, Rotten Sound, Cartilage (Fin), Arthemesia, Enochian Crescent, Vomiturition, Wings (Fin))
2. Falling World 5:08
3. Sleepless Swans 7:22
4. ...And Heavens Cried Blood 6:17
5. Lights On The Lake (Horror Pt. III) 7:44
6. New Moon 4:59
7. Servant Of Sorrow 6:24
8. Weight Of The Dead 9:03
Лирика к альбому
Mikko Kotamהki - Vocals (2001-) (Alghazanth, Empyrean Bane, Enter My Silence, Funeris Nocturnum, Verivala, Barren Earth)
Juha Raivio - Guitars (2000-) (Clayforge, Plutonium Orange, Trees of Eternity)
Markus Jдmsen - Guitars (2001-) (Clayforge, Murder in Art, Rautakello)
Matti Honkonen - Bass (2001-) (Atakhama, Funeris Nocturnum, Obscurant, Gold Dust)
Aleksi Munter - Keyboards (2001-) (Empyrean Bane, Funeris Nocturnum, Trollheim's Grott, Random, session for Ghost Brigade)
Kai Hahto - Drums (2009-) (Wintersun, Rotten Sound, Cartilage (Fin), Arthemesia, Enochian Crescent, Vomiturition, Wings (Fin))
Views: 4363
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22 March 10, 02:15
Artist: My Dying Bride
Album: Anti-Diluvian Chronicles (3 CD)
Year: 2005
Style: Doom/death Metal
Country: UK
Album: Anti-Diluvian Chronicles (3 CD)
Year: 2005
Style: Doom/death Metal
Country: UK
Views: 3573
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22 March 10, 02:09
Artist: Dark Tranquility
Album: We Are The Void
Year: 2010
Style: Melodic Death Metal
Country: Sweden
Shadow In Our Blood
Dream Oblivion
The Fatalist
In My Absence
The Grandest Accusation
At The Point Of Ignition
Her Silent Language
I Am The Void
Surface The Infinite
Star Of Nothingness (Limited Edition Bonus Track)
To Where Fires Cannot Feed (Limited Edition Bonus Track)
Album: We Are The Void
Year: 2010
Style: Melodic Death Metal
Country: Sweden
Shadow In Our Blood
Dream Oblivion
The Fatalist
In My Absence
The Grandest Accusation
At The Point Of Ignition
Her Silent Language
I Am The Void
Surface The Infinite
Star Of Nothingness (Limited Edition Bonus Track)
To Where Fires Cannot Feed (Limited Edition Bonus Track)
Views: 4183
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22 March 10, 02:05
Artist: Deadlock
Album: Manifesto
Year: 2010
Style: Melodic Death Metal
Country: Germany
Album: Manifesto
Year: 2010
Style: Melodic Death Metal
Country: Germany
The Moribund Choir vs The Trumpets Of Armageddon
Martyr To Science
Slaughter's Palace
The Brave - Agony Applause
Fire At Will
Seal Slayer
Dying Breed
Temple Of Love
Martyr To Science
Slaughter's Palace
The Brave - Agony Applause
Fire At Will
Seal Slayer
Dying Breed
Temple Of Love
Views: 3319
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21 March 10, 20:52
Artist: Fallen Joy
Album: Order To Die [EP]
Year: 2010
Style: Melodic Death Metal
Country: France
Album: Order To Die [EP]
Year: 2010
Style: Melodic Death Metal
Country: France
1 Morituri te salutant 1:02
2 Order to Die 3:25
3 Hoisting the Black Flag 4:15
4 Seeds of Tyranny 6:01
5 Voyage au bout de la nuit 6:45
2 Order to Die 3:25
3 Hoisting the Black Flag 4:15
4 Seeds of Tyranny 6:01
5 Voyage au bout de la nuit 6:45
Views: 3208
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21 March 10, 19:02
Artist: Nicole
Album: Odotus
Year: 2002
Style: Melodic Death Metal
Country: Финляндия
Album: Odotus
Year: 2002
Style: Melodic Death Metal
Country: Финляндия
1. Maalaudun 03:42
2. Kauas 03:18
3. Helmet ja kuu 04:29
4. Atopia 03:31
5. Näkymätön kirja 02:38
6. Sairas maailma 04:00
7. Kuljetaan 03:10
8. Ikuista 03:15
9. Lähde Sydän Devootio 04:28
10. Valheet 06:06
2. Kauas 03:18
3. Helmet ja kuu 04:29
4. Atopia 03:31
5. Näkymätön kirja 02:38
6. Sairas maailma 04:00
7. Kuljetaan 03:10
8. Ikuista 03:15
9. Lähde Sydän Devootio 04:28
10. Valheet 06:06
Views: 3258
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21 March 10, 18:56
Artist: Nicole
Album: Suljetut ajatukset
Year: 2004
Style: Melodic Death Metal
Country: Финляндия
Album: Suljetut ajatukset
Year: 2004
Style: Melodic Death Metal
Country: Финляндия
3.Sanasta sanaan
6.Piirteiden suojasta
7.Suljetut ajatukset
10.Aamun seisaus
12.Valve (Protone remix)
3.Sanasta sanaan
6.Piirteiden suojasta
7.Suljetut ajatukset
10.Aamun seisaus
12.Valve (Protone remix)
Views: 3745
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21 March 10, 18:53
Artist: Nicole
Album: Sivu Syyttomista
Year: 2007
Style: Melodic Death Metal
Country: Финляндия
Album: Sivu Syyttomista
Year: 2007
Style: Melodic Death Metal
Country: Финляндия
2.Viimeisin Sanoin
5.Tuhottu Viha
6.Vallan Näyttämö
8.Tyhjä Taulu
9.Saman Unen Kaipaus
2.Viimeisin Sanoin
5.Tuhottu Viha
6.Vallan Näyttämö
8.Tyhjä Taulu
9.Saman Unen Kaipaus
Views: 3209
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21 March 10, 15:00
Artist: Borow
Album: Madness Comes From Sea Depth [Single]
Year: 2010
Style: Death Metal
Country: Россия
Album: Madness Comes From Sea Depth [Single]
Year: 2010
Style: Death Metal
Country: Россия
1.Madness Comes From Sea Depth
Views: 2837
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17 March 10, 20:48
Artist: HELL:ON
Album: In The Shadow of Emptiness [EP]
Year: 2010
Style: Thrash/Death Metal
Country: Ukraine
01. Emptiness
02. Let it Feed
03. Burn
04. Voices of the Abyss
Album: In The Shadow of Emptiness [EP]
Year: 2010
Style: Thrash/Death Metal
Country: Ukraine
01. Emptiness
02. Let it Feed
03. Burn
04. Voices of the Abyss
Views: 2079
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17 March 10, 02:25
Artist: My Dying Bride
Album: Songs Of Darkness Words of Light
Year: 2004
Style: Doom/Death Metal
Country: UK
Album: Songs Of Darkness Words of Light
Year: 2004
Style: Doom/Death Metal
Country: UK
The Wreckage of My Flesh
The Scarlet Garden
Catherine Blake
My Wine in Silence
The Prize of Beauty
The Blue Lotus
And My Fury Stands Ready
A Doomed Lover
The Scarlet Garden
Catherine Blake
My Wine in Silence
The Prize of Beauty
The Blue Lotus
And My Fury Stands Ready
A Doomed Lover
Views: 2636
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17 March 10, 02:23
Artist: My Dying Bride
Album: The Voice of Wretched (Live)
Year: 2002
Style: Doom/Death Metal
Country: UK
She Is The Dark
Turn Loose The Swans
The Cry Of Mankind
The Snow In My Hand
A Cruel Taste Of Winter
Under Your Wings And Into Your Arms
A Kiss To Remember
Your River
The Fever Sea
Symphonaire Infernus Et Spera Empyrium
Album: The Voice of Wretched (Live)
Year: 2002
Style: Doom/Death Metal
Country: UK
She Is The Dark
Turn Loose The Swans
The Cry Of Mankind
The Snow In My Hand
A Cruel Taste Of Winter
Under Your Wings And Into Your Arms
A Kiss To Remember
Your River
The Fever Sea
Symphonaire Infernus Et Spera Empyrium
Views: 2835
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16 March 10, 03:34
Artist: InSomnius Dei
Album: Illusions Of Silence
Year: 2007
Style: Atmospheric Doom/Death Metal
Country: Австралия
Album: Illusions Of Silence
Year: 2007
Style: Atmospheric Doom/Death Metal
Country: Австралия
01 - For The Memories Of My Past
02 - Seven Burning Eyes
03 - Illusions Of Silence
04 - A Funeral Sky
05 - Absent
06 - Terminal
07 - The Aftermath
02 - Seven Burning Eyes
03 - Illusions Of Silence
04 - A Funeral Sky
05 - Absent
06 - Terminal
07 - The Aftermath
Views: 3240
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16 March 10, 02:49
Artist: Depressed Mode
Album: ..For Death
Year: 2009
Style: Funeral Doom/Death Metal
Country: Финляндия
Album: ..For Death
Year: 2009
Style: Funeral Doom/Death Metal
Country: Финляндия
01 - Death Multiplies
02 - She's Frozen
03 - Loving a Shadow
04 - The Scent
05 - Prologue to the Thousand Skies
06 - Tunnel of Pain
07 - A Glimpse of Tomorrow
08 - A Sigh
09 - ..For Death
02 - She's Frozen
03 - Loving a Shadow
04 - The Scent
05 - Prologue to the Thousand Skies
06 - Tunnel of Pain
07 - A Glimpse of Tomorrow
08 - A Sigh
09 - ..For Death
Views: 2717
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